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How Mantras Impact You

Distracts the Mind

Chanting mantras distracts the mind from frivolous thought, helping to anchor the mind in concentration to help focus your attention.

"It gathers and focuses the mind, and in that state we're not vulnerable to the rising of the odd thought that will create grasping or aversion. It shifts us out of the ordinary discursive mind and into a more contemplative mode."

-Steven Cope-

Stimulates the Endocrine System

This vibration activates the reward centers of our brains by stimulating neurotransmitter responses like serotonin and dopamine.

Releases Emotion

Chanting mantras is an effective way to release emotion. Emotion that is not accepted represents an aspect of the self that is being judged. This emotion causes sensations in the body that you either crave or have an aversion to. Either way, you are reacting and reinforcing the pattern. Chanting is an excellent way to let go of the reaction to the sensation through the throat and heart chakras; in essence, releasing the emotion through self-expression.

Creates Awareness

Mantras align your vibration to create awareness. Think about how certain music puts you in a particular mood. Or consider how you feel when there is a lot of noise or when someone is yelling. Mantras are designed to adjust your experience through the subtle vibrations they cause in your being. Each mantra is designed to have a distinct effect.

Adjusts Your Vibration

Mantras align your awareness with aspects of the self and the infinite. For example, if you are vibrating love, you will see it everywhere. If you are not, this vibration lacks. This is also how you are attracted to people and how you can experience that alignment with your karmic vibration.

Overcomes Your Karma

When you think negatively, you create a subtle vibration. The longer this vibration persists, the more it affects your being; the vibration of the thought then creates an emotional vibration, which generates a vibration in the physical body. This is where all the sensations come from in the body.

Your Voice

It's Not Just About Singing...

Not wanting to "ruffle any feathers," or cause any conflict, many people don't share their voice. Braving the world, sharing thoughts and love is vulnerable, and it seems easier to just be quiet. But, silence isn't the road to healing.

Having spent most of my young adult life being censored, and now having become quite the chatty conversationalist, I have a song of life to share; one of truth, pain, healing, and love.

I've come to believe that trauma isn't so heavy if it is spoken or hummed, especially if it is shared with the vibrational voices of others. When you share in the collective voice of peace and suffering, the very idea that you are not alone is the beginning of healing.

Teaching others to share their voice, even if you feel you "can't sing," feels like both a gift and a duty for me.

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